
1企业创新经营智慧(战略新课)Employee   Professionalism Improvement
2战略执行与利润提升(战略新课)Strategy   Implementation and Profit improvement
3精益策略与全面改善(新课)Lean strategy   and overall improvement
4预防性设备维修管理技术Management   Skills of EquipmentPreventive Maintenance  
5工厂安全管理系统培训Plant Safety   System Training
6工厂成本系统降低Systematically   Reduce Manufacturing Cost 
7OEE设备综合效率提升Overall   Equipment Effeciency Improvement
8柔性生产计划与排程管理Flexible   Production Plannning and Scheduling Management
9工厂5S与目视管理Plant 5S and   Visible Management
105S推行主管与5S培训师的培训5S Training for   5S Sponsors and 5s Trainer
11从开发到投产的项目管理From   Development to Production Project Management 
12精益TPM督导式训练(新课)Total   Productive Maintenance 
1TWI一线主管管理能力提升TWI for Team   Leader Competence Development 
2TWI-JI(工作教导)Training Within   Industry-JI (Job Instruction )
3TWI-JR(工作关系)Training Within   Industry-JR(Job Relationship)
4TWI-JM(工作改善)Training Within   Industry-JM(Job Method )
5现场管理与改善On-site   Management and Improvement
6基层管理者领导力提升Leadership   Development for Supervisors
78090后员工管理8090Staff   management
8基层管理者的冲突管理(新课)Conflict   Management for Supervisors
1QCC品管圈Quality Control   Cirle
2精益生产全景式模拟培训Panoramic   Simulation of Lean Manufacturing    
3生产系统价值流分析与改善Value Stream   Map(VSM) Training
4快速换模换型(SMED)实战Single Minute   Exchange of Dies
5防错(POKA   YOKE)实战与自动化Practice of   Poka Yoke and Automation
6工业工程(IE)现场改善方法培训IE (Industrial   Engineering)and On-site Improvements
7流程管理Process Management
8包装设计与管理Packaging   Design and Management
1精益六西格玛倡导者(Overview)Lean Six Sigma   Sponsor Training
2DOE实验试计Design Of   Experiment
3SPC统计过程控制Statistics   Process Control
4现场质量问题分析与解决Analysis and   Solving of Quality Problem 
6QC七工具7 Tools of   Quality Control 
7Minitab应用The request of   Minitab
8TQM全面质量管理与零缺陷质量管理Total Quality   Management and Zero Defect Qualility Management
9DFMEA失效模式分析DFMEA(Design   Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
10TRIZ与创新思维Triz and   Creative Thinking
11MOSTMaynard   Operation Sequence Technique
12DFSS六西格玛设计 Design For Six   Sigma
13MSA(测量系统分析)Measurement   Systems Analysis 
14质量成本分析与降低Quality Cost   Analysis & Control
15精益六西格玛绿带Six Sigma   Training - Green Belt
16精益六西格玛黑带Six Sigma   Training - Black Belt
1生产计划与物料控制(PMC)Production   Planning and Material Control
2库存控制技术Inventory   Control Skills
3高级仓储管理Advanced   Warehouse Management
4供应链管理实务/精益供应链管理Supplier   Management Practice/Lean SCM
Essential   Lesson for Senior Purchasing Managers
    --Purchasing System Design and Optimization
6双赢的采购谈判Win-Win   Purchasing Negotiation 
7供应商品质管理(SQM)Supplier   Quality Management
8供应商选择、评估与关系管理Supplier   Selection ,Evaluation and Relations Management
9供应市场开发和供应战略制订Supply   Marketing and Supply Strategy
10非生产性采购管理培训Indirect   Material Purchasing Management Training
11采购成本管理与改善Purchasing Cost   Management and Improvement 
12采购人员综合技能训练Comprehensive   Skills Training for Purchase Personnel
13采购必备的合同法务知识与合约管理Necessary   Contract and legal Knowledge for Purchase Personnel
1卓越领导力与执行力Outstanding   Leadership and Execution Ability
1造就精英下属--教练技术(Coaching)Coaching Skill   of Creating Talent
2经理人的问题分析与解决Problem   Analyzing and Solving of Managers
3经理人的财务管理训练(AO)Finance   Management for Non-Finance Managers
4经理人的人力资源管理HR Management   for Non-HR Managers
5MTP中层干部管理技能训练Management   Training Program for Middle-level Managers
6MTP中层干部管理技能提升训练Management   Training Program for Middle-level Managers
7TTT(培训师的培训)Training The   Trainer
8从专业人才走向高效管理From Expert to   Excellent Manager
9双赢的沟通技巧Win-Win   Communication Skills
10压力与情绪管理Pressure and   Emotion  Management
11员工职业素养提升Employee   Professionalism Improvement
12时间管理Time Management
13情境领导Situational Leadership
14六顶思考帽Six Thinking   Hats
15高效能人士的七个习惯Seven Habits of   highly effective person
17绩效管理体系咨询The consulting of performance   management system
18经理人的职业素养Occupational Qualities of Manager
19结构思考力®contemplative faculty
20人际沟通与影响技术®Interpersonal Communication   Techniques
21LTP领导力训练Leadership Training Program
22领导者之剑The Leader's Edge
23全脑思维与问题解决Complete Thinking and Problem Solving
24水平思维法与创新引擎Balance of Thinking an Engine of   Creation
25领导8钥The Eight Keys of Leadership
26权变领导Situational Management
27关键时刻The Moment of Truth
28绩效杠杆Performance Lever
1商务谈判技巧Business   negotiation skills
2研发项目管理R&D Project   Management
3变革管理Change Management
4理性经营与决策沙盘模拟(DB)Decision Base
5TOC限制管理Theory of   Constraints
6销售管理与销售技巧Sales   Management and Sales Skills
7销售渠道管理与商品陈列技巧Sales Channel   Management and Product Display Skill
8客户服务技巧Customer   Service Skills
9大客户销售技巧Key Account   Sales Skills
10汽车行业的五大核心工具Five core tools   for the automotive industry
11汽车行业物理成本管理与控制Management and   control of the physical cost of the automobile industry
12质量五大工具Five Tools of   Quality Control
13财务管理Financial   Management
14全面项目管理Overall Project   Management 
15团队建设Team Building
16文稿演示技巧Presentation demonstrate skills
    联 系 人:陈明老师